This documentation is for the v7 (stable) version of the API.
Invocation URL: /v7/psc


Action Name Description Invocation URL
Address check Perform an address check. /v7/psc/addresscheck
Delivery Address check By Location Perform an address check on whom should deliver the parcel using latitude and longitude. /v7/psc/deliveryaddresscheckbylocation
ETA Perform a PSC lookup with an target ETA.
Note: All prices include GST unless otherwise stated.
Prices are for prepaid purchases only, for one-off cash sales please contact your local Regional Franchise.
Franchises by Postcode Perform a query that returns the Pickup RF for a particular postcode. /v7/psc/pickuprf
List Delivery Suburbs Produces a list of delivery suburbs based on the specified Pickup RF and optional search terms. /v7/psc/listdeliverysuburbs
List Regional Franchises List all the Regional Franchises for the specified country. /v7/psc/listrfs
lookupfriendly /v7/psc/lookupfriendly
lookupfriendly /v7/psc/lookupfriendly
PSC Lookup Perform a PSC lookup.
Note: All prices include GST unless otherwise stated.
Prices are for prepaid purchases only, for one-off cash sales please contact your local Regional Franchise.
Render HTML Template Renders a HTML template based on the PSC information using 'friendly' product names. /v7/psc/renderfriendly
Render HTML Template Renders a HTML template based on the PSC information. /v7/psc/render
Render HTML Template Renders a HTML template based on the PSC information including Street Address for Rural Geofencing. /v7/psc/renderfulladdress
Render HTML Template Renders a HTML template based on the PSC information using 'friendly' product names. /v7/psc/renderfriendly
Suburbs in region Produces a list of delivery suburbs based on the specified delivery RF. /v7/psc/suburbsinregion

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